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Idaho State Bar Association

Firm Renewal Payment Voucher

Voucher No. $!payment.voucher.id

state seal

Total Due : $!number.currency( $payment.fees.total )

Please print this voucher and mail it to the Idaho State Bar with your check. Payments must physically be received at the Idaho State Bar office by the February 1, $!year licensing deadline or a late fee will be charged. Please contact the Membership Department at (208) 334-4500 if you have any questions.

Mail Payment to:

Idaho State Bar Association
P.O. Box 895
Boise, ID 83701

(for overnight deliveries):

525 W. Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83702

$!esc.html( $payment.user.fullName )
$!esc.html( $payment.voucher.applicant.mailingAddress.street )
#if ( $payment.voucher.applicant.mailingAddress.streetLine2 ) $!esc.html( $payment.voucher.applicant.mailingAddress.streetLine2 )
#end $!esc.html( $payment.voucher.applicant.mailingAddress.cityStateAndZip )
$!esc.html( $payment.voucher.applicant.phone.formattedNumber )

#foreach( $fm in $payment.renewals ) #set( $ren = $renewals.get($fm.memberNumber) ) #if ( $ren.fees.lateFee && $ren.fees.lateFee > 0 ) #end #end
Name Number License fee CAF ILF Section Dues LRS Total
$!number.currency( $payment.fees.licenseFeeTotals ) $!number.currency( $payment.fees.cafTotals ) $!number.currency( $payment.fees.ilfTotals ) $!number.currency( $payment.fees.sectionDuesTotals ) $!number.currency( $payment.fees.lrsTotals ) #if( $payment.fees.firmRenewalFee) $!number.currency( $payment.fees.firmRenewalFee) #else $!number.currency( 0 ) #end
$!esc.html( $ren.name.lastName ), $!esc.html( $ren.name.firstName ) $!esc.html( $ren.name.middleName ) $!esc.html( $ren.memberNumber ) $!number.currency( $ren.fees.renewalFee )$!number.currency( $ren.fees.lateFee )$!number.currency( $ren.fees.cafAssessment ) $!number.currency( $ren.fees.ilfContribution ) #foreach ( $section in $ren.sectionMemberships ) #if ( $section.action.name() == 'FLAG' ) #end #end
$section.sectionCode $!number.currency( $section.fee )
$!number.currency( $ren.fees.lrsRegistrationFee ) $!number.currency( $ren.fees.subtotal )