Idaho State Seal

Idaho Secretary of State
UCC/Lien Search Tips

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General Tips


Names may have been entered using or not using punctuation. Use "or" to help you.

Enter information into the city fields to help you narrow a search, especially if you are searching for a common name like John Smith.

If you are not sure of the best way to find the information you are looking for, use the free search first. When you know the lien numbers you are interested in, come back to the premium search and find the details you need.

For best printing results, choose the "Download document (TIFF format)" option. You will need a TIFF viewer such as "Imaging for Windows®" (available on the Windows™ install CD) in order to use this option.


Searching By Name Or City

In your search box Your results
John John Smit, Steve Johnson, Marcia Andjohn, Johndie & Andressen Co.
John and Andrew
John Andrew
Andrew Johnson, John Andrews, Andrew A Marjohn
John or Andrew Andrew Michaels, John Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Kevin Andrewsen
John and not Andrew John Jacobs, Mark Johnson, etc. but not John Andrews.
"Johndie Company" Finds records with the word Company immediately following the word Johndie
"John Dee" or Johndie or John-D Finds any of these possible spellings of Johndie.
JOHN or J.O.H.N. or J/O/H/N Finds any of these possible spellings of J/O/H/N Printing Company.
^John Prevents letters before the word John in the results. Andjohn, for example would not be in the results.
John$ Prevents letters after the word John in the results. Johnson and Johndie would not be in the results.
^John$ Matches only the word John, not Andjohn, Johnson or Johndie.
John and (Smith or Jones) Finds John Smith and John Jones.
John and not (Smith or Jones) All Johns with the exception of John Smith and John Jones.

Searching By Lien Number

In your search box Your results
B123456 Basic lien number 123456.
123456 All liens numbered 123456, no matter what their type.
B All Basic type liens.
B-123456 Basic liens with a number less than 123456. Search results would include B123455, B123454, and so on.
B123456- Basic liens with a number greater than 123456. Search results would include B123457, B123458, and so on.
B123456-123480 Search for a series of liens using a dash.
B123456,456789,789123 Search for liens of the same type, but different numbers using a comma.
B123456 F65355 N4344 Search for multiple liens at once by separating the searches with a space.

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